Davidoff Cigars underpins its successful campaign “Through the Day into the Night” for the Davidoff Winston Churchill Collection with new products inspired by the man himself. The year 2024 sees the release of a line extension with Petit Panetela joining the “The Late Hour Series” line-up, now allowing the aficionado to enjoy the experience of “The Late Hour Series” with limited or ample time at hand, and two new humidors honoring Churchill’s Raconteur character facet.
Winston Churchill was the most iconic cigar aficionado in history. He spent his days leading a nation and holding speeches and his nights writing them – a man who knew no breaks. Pencil in one hand, cigar in the other. Davidoff’s Winston Churchill Collection treats aficionados to countless moments of indulgence throughout the day and into the night, drawing inspiration from the multifaceted man to create multi-origin blends with tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua in a diverse range of shapes. “The Original Series”, with its six formats, offers cigars of medium intensity ideal to be enjoyed during the day. When the lights go down, and one may be in the mood for a more intense creation, “The Late Hour Series”, pleases aficionados with a blend of seven different tobaccos. Especially the whisky cask aged filler tobacco adds depth and sweetness to the complex evening enjoyment in now four formats.
2024 sees a Petit Panetela format joining the Davidoff Winston Churchill “The Late Hour Series” line-up. The brand had already introduced the medium-filler as a limited edition in 2020, which back then exceeded expectations. “I am very pleased that we can offer this special format to our aficionados permanently now”, says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff. “We launch the Petit Panetela to give appreciators of the ‘The Late Hour Series’ blend the opportunity for a shorter enjoyment with the same complexity in taste as the long-fillers sizes Robusto, Toro, and Churchill of the same line.”
The Petit Panetela offers aficionados a quick 15-minute smoke. Since there is a lesser amount of filler tobacco in the smaller cigar, the overall experience is said to be a tad lighter than that of its long-filler companions. The cigar is sold in 5-ct tin which has a suggested retail price of $50.50/€49.50.
Alongside the new cigar, Davidoff also launches two new humidors with a unique design inspired by Winston Churchill himself. A man of many facets, the brand has honored his diverse character with premium blends and accessories in the past. The new humidors in Primos and Ambassador formats are dedicated to Churchill’s great ability as a captivating Raconteur – a great speaker during the day and a tireless writer by night. Both designs depict his storytelling abilities with an engraved excerpt of Churchill’s book “My Early Life” around his engraved silhouette on the lids of the humidors.
While the Davidoff Primos humidor for 25 to 35 cigars reflects the day with its light oak wood, the larger Davidoff Ambassador humidor for 70 to 80 cigars portrays the night with its black-tinted tulipwood. Both humidors are handmade in France and come with a Davidoff de Luxe regulator, which ensures 70%-72% relative humidity at all times. Details such as Churchill’s silhouette on the front side with a mirror surface effect or the elegant silver plate with the Davidoff logo on the inside of the lid make these humidors highly functional yet undeniably stylish accessories for Winston Churchill fans and aficionados alike.
The new Davidoff Winston Churchill “The Late Hour Series” Petit Panetela and the Davidoff Primos and Davidoff Ambassador humidors inspired by the Raconteur will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers, and in Davidoff flagship stores from 18 January 2024.