The month of December closes the year and brings with it the list of the best cigars: the 2020 AWARDS. Cigars in the 2020 awards have been selected over the past 12 months. The products that recorded the highest scores in blind tastings and reviews were re-selected and retested in a new blind tasting. A particular focus is given to the new releases recently introduced to the market.
Among the cigars tested during the year in blind tastings and reviews, those that scored the best score get re-selected. These products were then tested once again in a new blind tasting, which means not knowing what they are during the tasting. The test results are then compared, and the TOP 5 are made.
Since 2015, CigarsLover Magazine has focused on terroirs in order to give the right space to all the producing countries.
From 2018, the TOP 5 were paired with the TOP 50, which lists the 50 best cigars without distinction of origin. Together with the Best Brands, the Best Buy, and the best Boutique Brands, this list will be published in the Winter 2020 issue of CigarsLover Magazine.